Last Date of Submission of Forms - 28.04.2016 Date of Entrance Examination - May 14, 2016 U.P. Combined Medical Entrance Test (UPCMET) 2016 Syllabus Paper-I : Physical and Biological Sciences PHYSICS (A) MEASUREMENT AND KINEMATICS 1. Estimation of percentage error in the result of an experiment. 2. Dimensional analysis: Dimension of a physical quanity M,L,T q (Temperature). Dimensional balance of any equation. 3. Motion along straight line path: Time-displacement, time-velocity, and time-acceleration graphs. Interrelationship among the graphs. 4. Motion in a plane: Vector addition and subtraction (Law of Polygon to be used). (AB+BC=AC), Graphical deducation has to be emphasized. Multiplication of a vector by a scalar, Unifrom motion on acircular path, magnitutde of centripetal acceleration and force (Centrifugal force does not exist in intertial frame). Motion under a uniform acceleration along a direction other than that of the initial velocity (motion of projectile under gravity is included herein) Interpretatoin of the vector form of the equations (B) MECHANICS 1. Newton ‘s Laws of Motion: The first law (Galileo’s Law of Inertia) and the third law are obtained from the second law (a=F/m), variable force, impulse conservation on momentum, Principle of jet propulsion. 2. Rotatory motion of a rigid body: Torque, angular acceleration, moment of inertia (torque/angular acceleration), angular momentum. 3. Work Energy: Derivation of expression for kinetic energy (½ m V²) and (½ Iw²) respectively from work done by an force and by a couple. Potential energy for general F-x relation (using the method of area under the curve) for a constant force (e.g. mgh) and for spring ½ kx². Conservation of mechanical energy. Elastic and Inelastic collisions (no description) . Law of mechanical energy in inelastic collisions. 4. Universal Gravitation: Motion of planets, Keplex’s laws, law of gravitation in terms of central force dependence of force on and inverse of square ofdistance (no derivation ). Plancets, orbital montion and time period, concepts of weightlessness. Gravitational field (nt/Kg) and potential (J/Kg). Height attained by the projectile, escape velocity. 5. Simple harmonic motion: pure kinetic motion in terms of projection of uniform circular motion - Formula Mangnitude of acceleration is - times the displacement. Kinetic description that motion in which the force is - k times the displacement. Relation k/m and and its uses in (i) Simple pendulum (ii) Oscillation in an ideal spring. Time displacement graph, time period, frequency, phase, Total energy in terms of square of amplitude, conversion of energy in the form of potential and kinetic energies, dissipation and damping. 6. Forced oscillation and resonance: Elementary concept of forced oscillations, cases of resonance - examples from mechanics, sound and radio etc. (C) WAVE MOTION AND SOUND 1. Speed of mechanical waves: Newton ‘s formula (no derivation) for longitudianal waves. Order of magnitude of v in various media. Application to gases, Laplace ‘s correction, effect of temperature and pressure for waves on string (noderivation). 2. Progressive wave: Equation for a simple harmonic progressive wave, phase and phase difference, Wave front graphical representation of particle velocity against x and t. Qualitative picture of pressure variations in longitudinal waves, intensity dependence on square of amplitude (no derivation). 3. Reflaection and refraction of wavews : Demonstration of characteristics of wave motion with the help of pulse on a string and on water. Mutual independence of various waves in the same medium . Partial reflection and transmission at the interface of two media. Explanation of reflection and refraction on the basis of secondary wavelets and new wave fronts: 4. Superposition of waves: Interference in space due to two sources, phenomenon of diffraction and its dependence on the size of the slit or obstancle in comparison with l, phenomenon of beats, beat frequency equals the difference of parent frequencies. 5. Stationary waves: Bounded medium, stationary waves, nodes and antinodes, characteristic frequencies of vibration of a bounded medium. Cases of string and air columns (excluding end correction etc.) Sonometer, Melde’s experiment, Resonance column and Kundt’s tube. 6. Doppler’s Principles: Doppler effect due to the motion of the source and due to the motion of the observer. (D) GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 1. Kinetic theory and ideal gases: Molecular agitation, Deduction of pressure of an ideal gas, Boyle’s Law. Kinetic theory- Concept of thermal equilibrium and temperature. Perfect gas equation. Deviation from the ideal gas equation at high pressure and low temperature. Concepts of finite size of molecules and their mutual interactions, Distinction between gas and vapour, Critical temperature. 2. Kinetic models for liquids and solids: Intermolecular forces and potential energy curve. Molecular models for the liquids and solids, Elementary explanation for thermal expansion, fusion, vaporization, boiling and latent heats. 3. Elasticity: Longitudinal strain, stress and modulus of eleasticity. Explanation on the atomic models of solids. Estimation of interatomic force constant. Bulk mokulus and rigidity (only elementary ideas) 4. Surface tension: Surface tension, surface energy. Elementary explanation on the basis of inter-molecular forces. Rise of liquid in a capillary tube. 5. Flow of Liquids: Ideal fluids, Bernaullis’s equation and its application. Viscous fluids (elementary concepts only). Viscous force on a solid moving in fluid, stoke’s principal (no derivation), terminal velocity. (E) HEAT 1. Thermomerty: Conatnt volume gas , thermometer, Principles of Resistance Thermometer and principle of the thermocouple thermometer. Range of various thermometers. Brief explanation of the various other principles used in thermometry. Total radiation, Pyrometer and vapour pressure thermometer. 2. First law of Thermodynamics: Work done by a system = pdV. Definition of the internal energy function U from the relation dU = dQ- pdv. First Law of thermodynamics. U a unique function of any state. Distinction between and Derivation of for an ideal gas. General features of the function U. Transitional kinetic energy, intermolecular potential energy, internal rotation and vibration in polyatomic molecules and lattice vibration. 3. Isothermal and Adiabatic Processes: Definitions, Isothermal elasticity of ideal gas. Adiabationship pvg = constant (no derivation), adiabatic eleasticity of an ideal gas. 4. Thermal Conduction : Elementary concepts of isothermal surface and temperature gradient. Thermal conductivity and one-dimensional heat flow in the steady state. Kinetic model of thermal conductiovity (including metals). (F) LIGHT 1. Refraction at spherical surfaces: Refraction at spherical surfaces. Derivation of the expression for u,v relationship for refraction at a single spherical surface and a thin lens, (Sigh conventions of coordinate geometry to be followed ) Newton ‘s formula xx’=ff, combination of lens. 2. Chromatic aberration: Dispersive power of a material Longitudinal chromatic aberration in a lens, 3. Telescope and Microscope: Astronomical telescope (reflecting and refracting types), compound microscope, magnifying power (for normal eye only). Mention resolving power for both the instruments, Need of large aperture telescope and electron microscope (no description). 4. Wave nature of light: Elementary observation of diffraction of light by a narrow signle slit and interference of light by a double slit, comparison with the corresponding observations in ripple tank. Explanation of reflection of light and refraction of sound on the basis of the wave theory (refer course item c-3) . Expression v=c/n. Foucault’s experiment for the measurement of the velocity of light in liquid and its historical sighificance. Analysis of Young’s experiment, Fringe width, wavelength of light in various regions of white light, its production and detection (Pile of plates and polaroids). 5. Spectrum : Formation of spectrum in a prism spectrometer, Minimum deviation and angular dispersion, Ultaviolet and infrared regions of the spectrum, Characteristic properties, Compleate rage of the electro magnetic spectrum: radio waves to gamma rays. 6. Photometry: Luminous intensity of a light source at a point in particular direction. Unit candela (Cd). Definition of Lumen (Lm)= 2 cd sr. An isotropic source of luminous intensity of 1 cd gives a total flux of 4 lm.Rating of a lamp in lumens, candela or watt, Unit lux illumination of a survace (1x) = lumen/metre², measurement of luminous efficiency in lumens watt, illumination in terms of inverse square law and cosine law. Brief introduction of luminous efficiency, illumisnance etc. for various practical cases. (G) ELECTRICITY 1. Electric Field and Potential: Coulomb’s Law F = Electric field and potential due to a point electric dipole (In longitudinal and transverse position at large distances). Couple acting on a dipole placed in an electric fiedld. Electric field due to a sphere with uniform surface charge density (No Derivation). Proof of atomicity of electric charge. (The procedure of PSSC book to be followed). 2. Capacity: Principle of condenser, Capacity of an isolated sphere, a spherical condenser and a parallel plate condenser. Effect of dielectric on the capacity. Series and parallel combination of condenser, Energy of a charged condenser ½ CV² , its comparision with the energy of a stretched spring ½ Kx². 3. Electric conduction: Electric current as a flow of charges carriers. 1 Ampere = 1 coluomb/ sec. or electronic fundamental chargesec. Conduction in gases and solutions, Concept of ions, Electrolysis, Faraday’s Laws and Electrochemical equivalent, Faraday’s number Free electrons in metals, carrier density. Frift velocity ‘v’ and relaxation time ‘t’ . Simple derivation of Ohm’s law . Qualitative explanation of the variation of conductivity of normal conductors with temperature. Ohmic and nonohmic circuit elements, Dynamic resistance Dv/Di. 4. Simple Circuits: Electric cell as a device which continuously drives charges round a circuit. Electromotive force a characteristic of cell, defind as EMF= W/Q, where W is work done in carrying a charge Q around a closed circuit. Internal resistance of a source ®, Internal potential drop (ir) and power loss (i²r), Kirchhoff’s Laws: Series and parallel combination of resistances, Principle of Wheatstone’s bridge, example of Metre bridge. Potential divider, Potentiometer. (H) ELECTROMAGNETISM 1. Moving charges and magnetic field: Similarities in the behaviour of bar magnet and solenidal current, measurement of a magnetic field on the basis of force on a linear current F =iBL sinq (Lorentz force). Relation between these two expressions. Force acting between two parallel linear currents Its interpretation on the basis of magnetic field Definition of the unit of B using the expression F= iB 1 sin q. Magnetic field at the centre of circular coil and inside a long solenoid (no derivation) , Principle of moving coil galvanomenter, its conversion into Ammeter and voltmeter. Principle of D.C.motor. 2. Magnetism: Couple acting on bar magnet placed in a magnetic field. Magnetic dipole. Definition of magnetic moment on the basis of couple acting in a magnetic field. Electromagnet. Atomic model of magnetism. Some stoms have non-zero moment and their alignment gives rise to micropic magnetism, magnetic field due to a small d³ and m/d³ respectively), Component of earch’s magnetic field, theories regarding its origin. 3. Electromagnetic Induction: Mangetic Flux, its unit weber. 1 weber = 1 newton meter/Ampere. Frarday’s Law of electromagnetic induction, e=d f/dt. Interpretation of induced e.m.f. in terms of Lorentz force. Principle of A.C. and D.C. dynamos. Back e.m.f. in a motor, definition of self-inductance (e = - Ldi/dt). Dependence of L on the core material. Graphical description of rise and decay of current in an inductive circuit (no derivation) .Definition of mutual inductance and its dependence on the core material. Microphone (moving coil and carbon type). Moving coil loudspeakers. 4. Altrnating Current circuits: Graphical representation of voltage and current as a function of time, phase difference between V and I. Value of the ratio of depends and power cos q, choke coil, wattles current. Oscillation in an LC circuit, (statement only). Frequency of an LC circuit, F = (Analogy with oscillation of a mass attached to spring). (I) ELECTRON PHYSICS 1. Diode and Triode: Emission of electron from metals on heating, Rectifying action of diode, Triode and its static mutual characteristics, Triode as an amplifier. 2. Cathode rays and Positive rays: Cathode rays as stream of particles, determination of e/s of the particles (using simultaneous electric and magnetic fields) Discovery of the electron. Cathode ray oscilloscope (Elementary working principle only), e/m of positive rays, ions, isotopes. 3. Photoelectri effect: Photoelectric phenomenon ,threshold frequency, where B depends on the cathode surface and A is a universal constant. Einstein’s explanation of photoelectric effect. A = planck’s constant h and B = the work function. (J) RADIATION AND ATOMIC PHYSICS 1. Radiation: Similarity between the nature of radiant energy and light, Absorptivity , emissivity of surface, Kirchhoff’s law, conecept of a black body, Stefan’s law, graphical description of spectral distribution of black body radiation (no formulae), Elementary ideas of Plank’s hypothesis. 2. Structure of atom: Rutherford ‘s experiments on particle scattering and his conclusions regarding (i) positively charged nucleus and (ii) applicability of Coubomb’s law. 3. Origin of spectrum : Experiments of Franck and Hertz, quantized energy states of atoms, energy level diagram, Emission and absorption spectrum. Spectral series of Hydrogen atm, continuous, line and band spectra: their relationshi8p with the state of matter , Fraunhofer lines and their explanation. Eluorescence and phosphorescence. 4. X-ray: Production (Coolidge tube), Control on the intensity and penetration, Electromagnetic nature of X-rays. (K) NUCLEAR PHYSICS 1. Radioactivity: Nature of a, b and g rays, Concept of half life and statistical nature of the phenomenon of radioactivity. Scientillation screen and cloud chamber respectively for counting and tracking the charged particles (only general features including path tracking by a magnetic field), Composition of nucleus Fundamental particles, e,n,p,v p and their antiparticles. 2. Nuclear energy: Nuclear fission, mass defect, mass energy relation DE=FC² Dm. Unification of the principles of conservation of mass and conservation of energy. Principle of nuclear reactor. Elementary ideas of nuclear fusion, origin of solar energy. CHEMISTRY SECTION- A: GENERAL CHEMISTRY (B) BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES BOTANY SECTION - A: GENRAL Section-A : General Section-B : Type and Specific Study PAPER-II : GENERAL ENGLISH (Qualifying Paper) Grammar, spelling, simple tenses, prepositions, conjunctions, determiners including adjectives, voices, word meanings, correction of sentences, fill in the blanks, uncommon words, sentence completion, synonyms, antonyms, relationship between words and Phrases. Patterns and correct uses (parts of speech), syntax concord, articles, word formation, one word substitute, Vocabulary building, comprehension.
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Last Date of Submission of Forms - 28.04.2016 Date of Entrance Examination - May 14, 2016 U.P. Combined Medical Entrance Test (UPCMET) 2016 Syllabus Paper-I : Physical and Biological Sciences PHYSICS (A) MEASUREMENT AND KINEMATICS 1. Estimation of percentage error in the result of an experiment. 2. Dimensional analysis: Dimension of a physical quanity M,L,T q (Temperature). Dimensional balance of any equation. 3. Motion along straight line path: Time-displacement, time-velocity, and time-acceleration graphs. Interrelationship among the graphs. 4. Motion in a plane: Vector addition and subtraction (Law of Polygon to be used). (AB+BC=AC), Graphical deducation has to be emphasized. Multiplication of a vector by a scalar, Unifrom motion on acircular path, magnitutde of centripetal acceleration and force (Centrifugal force does not exist in intertial frame). Motion under a uniform acceleration along a direction other than that of the initial velocity (motion of projectile under gravity is included herein) Interpretatoin of the vector form of the equations (B) MECHANICS 1. Newton ‘s Laws of Motion: The first law (Galileo’s Law of Inertia) and the third law are obtained from the second law (a=F/m), variable force, impulse conservation on momentum, Principle of jet propulsion. 2. Rotatory motion of a rigid body: Torque, angular acceleration, moment of inertia (torque/angular acceleration), angular momentum. 3. Work Energy: Derivation of expression for kinetic energy (½ m V²) and (½ Iw²) respectively from work done by an force and by a couple. Potential energy for general F-x relation (using the method of area under the curve) for a constant force (e.g. mgh) and for spring ½ kx². Conservation of mechanical energy. Elastic and Inelastic collisions (no description) . Law of mechanical energy in inelastic collisions. 4. Universal Gravitation: Motion of planets, Keplex’s laws, law of gravitation in terms of central force dependence of force on and inverse of square ofdistance (no derivation ). Plancets, orbital montion and time period, concepts of weightlessness. Gravitational field (nt/Kg) and potential (J/Kg). Height attained by the projectile, escape velocity. 5. Simple harmonic motion: pure kinetic motion in terms of projection of uniform circular motion - Formula Mangnitude of acceleration is - times the displacement. Kinetic description that motion in which the force is - k times the displacement. Relation k/m and and its uses in (i) Simple pendulum (ii) Oscillation in an ideal spring. Time displacement graph, time period, frequency, phase, Total energy in terms of square of amplitude, conversion of energy in the form of potential and kinetic energies, dissipation and damping. 6. Forced oscillation and resonance: Elementary concept of forced oscillations, cases of resonance - examples from mechanics, sound and radio etc. (C) WAVE MOTION AND SOUND 1. Speed of mechanical waves: Newton ‘s formula (no derivation) for longitudianal waves. Order of magnitude of v in various media. Application to gases, Laplace ‘s correction, effect of temperature and pressure for waves on string (noderivation). 2. Progressive wave: Equation for a simple harmonic progressive wave, phase and phase difference, Wave front graphical representation of particle velocity against x and t. Qualitative picture of pressure variations in longitudinal waves, intensity dependence on square of amplitude (no derivation). 3. Reflaection and refraction of wavews : Demonstration of characteristics of wave motion with the help of pulse on a string and on water. Mutual independence of various waves in the same medium . Partial reflection and transmission at the interface of two media. Explanation of reflection and refraction on the basis of secondary wavelets and new wave fronts: 4. Superposition of waves: Interference in space due to two sources, phenomenon of diffraction and its dependence on the size of the slit or obstancle in comparison with l, phenomenon of beats, beat frequency equals the difference of parent frequencies. 5. Stationary waves: Bounded medium, stationary waves, nodes and antinodes, characteristic frequencies of vibration of a bounded medium. Cases of string and air columns (excluding end correction etc.) Sonometer, Melde’s experiment, Resonance column and Kundt’s tube. 6. Doppler’s Principles: Doppler effect due to the motion of the source and due to the motion of the observer. (D) GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 1. Kinetic theory and ideal gases: Molecular agitation, Deduction of pressure of an ideal gas, Boyle’s Law. Kinetic theory- Concept of thermal equilibrium and temperature. Perfect gas equation. Deviation from the ideal gas equation at high pressure and low temperature. Concepts of finite size of molecules and their mutual interactions, Distinction between gas and vapour, Critical temperature. 2. Kinetic models for liquids and solids: Intermolecular forces and potential energy curve. Molecular models for the liquids and solids, Elementary explanation for thermal expansion, fusion, vaporization, boiling and latent heats. 3. Elasticity: Longitudinal strain, stress and modulus of eleasticity. Explanation on the atomic models of solids. Estimation of interatomic force constant. Bulk mokulus and rigidity (only elementary ideas) 4. Surface tension: Surface tension, surface energy. Elementary explanation on the basis of inter-molecular forces. Rise of liquid in a capillary tube. 5. Flow of Liquids: Ideal fluids, Bernaullis’s equation and its application. Viscous fluids (elementary concepts only). Viscous force on a solid moving in fluid, stoke’s principal (no derivation), terminal velocity. (E) HEAT 1. Thermomerty: Conatnt volume gas , thermometer, Principles of Resistance Thermometer and principle of the thermocouple thermometer. Range of various thermometers. Brief explanation of the various other principles used in thermometry. Total radiation, Pyrometer and vapour pressure thermometer. 2. First law of Thermodynamics: Work done by a system = pdV. Definition of the internal energy function U from the relation dU = dQ- pdv. First Law of thermodynamics. U a unique function of any state. Distinction between and Derivation of for an ideal gas. General features of the function U. Transitional kinetic energy, intermolecular potential energy, internal rotation and vibration in polyatomic molecules and lattice vibration. 3. Isothermal and Adiabatic Processes: Definitions, Isothermal elasticity of ideal gas. Adiabationship pvg = constant (no derivation), adiabatic eleasticity of an ideal gas. 4. Thermal Conduction : Elementary concepts of isothermal surface and temperature gradient. Thermal conductivity and one-dimensional heat flow in the steady state. Kinetic model of thermal conductiovity (including metals). (F) LIGHT 1. Refraction at spherical surfaces: Refraction at spherical surfaces. Derivation of the expression for u,v relationship for refraction at a single spherical surface and a thin lens, (Sigh conventions of coordinate geometry to be followed ) Newton ‘s formula xx’=ff, combination of lens. 2. Chromatic aberration: Dispersive power of a material Longitudinal chromatic aberration in a lens, 3. Telescope and Microscope: Astronomical telescope (reflecting and refracting types), compound microscope, magnifying power (for normal eye only). Mention resolving power for both the instruments, Need of large aperture telescope and electron microscope (no description). 4. Wave nature of light: Elementary observation of diffraction of light by a narrow signle slit and interference of light by a double slit, comparison with the corresponding observations in ripple tank. Explanation of reflection of light and refraction of sound on the basis of the wave theory (refer course item c-3) . Expression v=c/n. Foucault’s experiment for the measurement of the velocity of light in liquid and its historical sighificance. Analysis of Young’s experiment, Fringe width, wavelength of light in various regions of white light, its production and detection (Pile of plates and polaroids). 5. Spectrum : Formation of spectrum in a prism spectrometer, Minimum deviation and angular dispersion, Ultaviolet and infrared regions of the spectrum, Characteristic properties, Compleate rage of the electro magnetic spectrum: radio waves to gamma rays. 6. Photometry: Luminous intensity of a light source at a point in particular direction. Unit candela (Cd). Definition of Lumen (Lm)= 2 cd sr. An isotropic source of luminous intensity of 1 cd gives a total flux of 4 lm.Rating of a lamp in lumens, candela or watt, Unit lux illumination of a survace (1x) = lumen/metre², measurement of luminous efficiency in lumens watt, illumination in terms of inverse square law and cosine law. Brief introduction of luminous efficiency, illumisnance etc. for various practical cases. (G) ELECTRICITY 1. Electric Field and Potential: Coulomb’s Law F = Electric field and potential due to a point electric dipole (In longitudinal and transverse position at large distances). Couple acting on a dipole placed in an electric fiedld. Electric field due to a sphere with uniform surface charge density (No Derivation). Proof of atomicity of electric charge. (The procedure of PSSC book to be followed). 2. Capacity: Principle of condenser, Capacity of an isolated sphere, a spherical condenser and a parallel plate condenser. Effect of dielectric on the capacity. Series and parallel combination of condenser, Energy of a charged condenser ½ CV² , its comparision with the energy of a stretched spring ½ Kx². 3. Electric conduction: Electric current as a flow of charges carriers. 1 Ampere = 1 coluomb/ sec. or electronic fundamental chargesec. Conduction in gases and solutions, Concept of ions, Electrolysis, Faraday’s Laws and Electrochemical equivalent, Faraday’s number Free electrons in metals, carrier density. Frift velocity ‘v’ and relaxation time ‘t’ . Simple derivation of Ohm’s law . Qualitative explanation of the variation of conductivity of normal conductors with temperature. Ohmic and nonohmic circuit elements, Dynamic resistance Dv/Di. 4. Simple Circuits: Electric cell as a device which continuously drives charges round a circuit. Electromotive force a characteristic of cell, defind as EMF= W/Q, where W is work done in carrying a charge Q around a closed circuit. Internal resistance of a source ®, Internal potential drop (ir) and power loss (i²r), Kirchhoff’s Laws: Series and parallel combination of resistances, Principle of Wheatstone’s bridge, example of Metre bridge. Potential divider, Potentiometer. (H) ELECTROMAGNETISM 1. Moving charges and magnetic field: Similarities in the behaviour of bar magnet and solenidal current, measurement of a magnetic field on the basis of force on a linear current F =iBL sinq (Lorentz force). Relation between these two expressions. Force acting between two parallel linear currents Its interpretation on the basis of magnetic field Definition of the unit of B using the expression F= iB 1 sin q. Magnetic field at the centre of circular coil and inside a long solenoid (no derivation) , Principle of moving coil galvanomenter, its conversion into Ammeter and voltmeter. Principle of D.C.motor. 2. Magnetism: Couple acting on bar magnet placed in a magnetic field. Magnetic dipole. Definition of magnetic moment on the basis of couple acting in a magnetic field. Electromagnet. Atomic model of magnetism. Some stoms have non-zero moment and their alignment gives rise to micropic magnetism, magnetic field due to a small d³ and m/d³ respectively), Component of earch’s magnetic field, theories regarding its origin. 3. Electromagnetic Induction: Mangetic Flux, its unit weber. 1 weber = 1 newton meter/Ampere. Frarday’s Law of electromagnetic induction, e=d f/dt. Interpretation of induced e.m.f. in terms of Lorentz force. Principle of A.C. and D.C. dynamos. Back e.m.f. in a motor, definition of self-inductance (e = - Ldi/dt). Dependence of L on the core material. Graphical description of rise and decay of current in an inductive circuit (no derivation) .Definition of mutual inductance and its dependence on the core material. Microphone (moving coil and carbon type). Moving coil loudspeakers. 4. Altrnating Current circuits: Graphical representation of voltage and current as a function of time, phase difference between V and I. Value of the ratio of depends and power cos q, choke coil, wattles current. Oscillation in an LC circuit, (statement only). Frequency of an LC circuit, F = (Analogy with oscillation of a mass attached to spring). (I) ELECTRON PHYSICS 1. Diode and Triode: Emission of electron from metals on heating, Rectifying action of diode, Triode and its static mutual characteristics, Triode as an amplifier. 2. Cathode rays and Positive rays: Cathode rays as stream of particles, determination of e/s of the particles (using simultaneous electric and magnetic fields) Discovery of the electron. Cathode ray oscilloscope (Elementary working principle only), e/m of positive rays, ions, isotopes. 3. Photoelectri effect: Photoelectric phenomenon ,threshold frequency, where B depends on the cathode surface and A is a universal constant. Einstein’s explanation of photoelectric effect. A = planck’s constant h and B = the work function. (J) RADIATION AND ATOMIC PHYSICS 1. Radiation: Similarity between the nature of radiant energy and light, Absorptivity , emissivity of surface, Kirchhoff’s law, conecept of a black body, Stefan’s law, graphical description of spectral distribution of black body radiation (no formulae), Elementary ideas of Plank’s hypothesis. 2. Structure of atom: Rutherford ‘s experiments on particle scattering and his conclusions regarding (i) positively charged nucleus and (ii) applicability of Coubomb’s law. 3. Origin of spectrum : Experiments of Franck and Hertz, quantized energy states of atoms, energy level diagram, Emission and absorption spectrum. Spectral series of Hydrogen atm, continuous, line and band spectra: their relationshi8p with the state of matter , Fraunhofer lines and their explanation. Eluorescence and phosphorescence. 4. X-ray: Production (Coolidge tube), Control on the intensity and penetration, Electromagnetic nature of X-rays. (K) NUCLEAR PHYSICS 1. Radioactivity: Nature of a, b and g rays, Concept of half life and statistical nature of the phenomenon of radioactivity. Scientillation screen and cloud chamber respectively for counting and tracking the charged particles (only general features including path tracking by a magnetic field), Composition of nucleus Fundamental particles, e,n,p,v p and their antiparticles. 2. Nuclear energy: Nuclear fission, mass defect, mass energy relation DE=FC² Dm. Unification of the principles of conservation of mass and conservation of energy. Principle of nuclear reactor. Elementary ideas of nuclear fusion, origin of solar energy. CHEMISTRY SECTION- A: GENERAL CHEMISTRY (B) BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES BOTANY SECTION - A: GENRAL Section-A : General Section-B : Type and Specific Study PAPER-II : GENERAL ENGLISH (Qualifying Paper) Grammar, spelling, simple tenses, prepositions, conjunctions, determiners including adjectives, voices, word meanings, correction of sentences, fill in the blanks, uncommon words, sentence completion, synonyms, antonyms, relationship between words and Phrases. Patterns and correct uses (parts of speech), syntax concord, articles, word formation, one word substitute, Vocabulary building, comprehension.
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